Four of Latham & Watkins’ leading emerging company partners in Silicon Valley, Luke Bergstrom, Tad Freese, Jim Morrone and JD Marple, recently hosted a webinar titled “Achieving Successful Outcomes as a Non-US Company Investing in or Acquiring Technology Companies in Silicon Valley”. The webinar can be viewed here.

In this blog we have sought to draw out some of the key observations in the webinar that are relevant to Middle East entities considering investing in US technology companies.


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The compliance world will change dramatically for a number of GCC organizations on 25 May 2018. In just over one year’s time GCC organizations that:

  1. have a branch, subsidiary or single representative in the European Union (“EU”);
  2. do not have a physical presence in the EU, but offer goods or services to data subjects in the EU; or
  3. neither have a physical presence in the EU nor offer goods or services to people in the EU, but monitor

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The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an attractive global business centre and gateway to the wider Middle East region for international companies seeking to commercialise and exploit their brands, products and technologies.

However, the UAE is often considered to present risks from an intellectual property (IP) infringement perspective – a perception that potentially can undermine a business’s strategy and desire to build strong brand awareness and regional demand.

Protection of IP
International companies seeking to capitalise on the growth opportunities

Digital innovation is reinventing the retail experience. IT is changing the way retailers interact with customers by integrating sales and communication channels, enabling in-store digital interfaces and diversifying payment platforms.

As retailers look to fuse existing operational silos in favour of an omnichannel strategy, the role of IT is increasingly recognized as critical to achieving seamless and integrated retail experiences.

Omnichannel retailing combines the bricks and clicks aspects of retail, allowing for multiple, easily accessible retail touchpoints or channels. At

Although some surveys of privacy law suggest otherwise, privacy requirements do in fact exist in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)and are very relevant to companies operating there or seeking to provide services to customers in KSA.


The paramount body of law in KSA is the Sharīʿah. The Sharīʿah is comprised of a collection of fundamental principles derived from a number of different sources, which include the Holy Qu’ran and the Sunnah, which are the witnessed sayings and

Latham & Watkins’ Middle East Technology, IP and Sourcing team has just published the fifth edition of Middle East and Africa Technology, IP and Sourcing Focus.

This edition includes articles on the running of a competitive RFP process, a note on the use of warranties, indemnities and undertakings in English, South African and UAE law and a Middle East Regional Telecommunications update.

Please contact Justin Cornish, Alice Marsden or Brian Meenagh if you would like to automatically receive

Latham & Watkins’ Middle East Technology, IP and Sourcing team has just published the fourth edition of Middle East and Africa Technology, IP and Sourcing Focus.

This edition includes articles on the importance of due diligence in an outsourcing transaction and on maintaining competitive pricing in a long-term services arrangement and updates on the amendments to the Saudi Arabian Telecommunications Law, the GCC Unified Trade Marks System and regulation of “daily-deals” websites in the UAE.electronic microchip

The edition also includes

The April edition of Middle East and Africa Technology, IP and Sourcing Focus, a newsletter from Latham’s Middle East Technology, IP, and Sourcing team, is now available. The new issue considers several topics, including the challenges that organisations looking to implement an outsourcing strategy must consider in their outsourcing agreements, updates on the eGovernment strategy of the United Arab Emirates, and ictQatar’s radio spectrum policy.

The newsletter provides know-how, updates and commentary on the technology, IP and sourcing sectors